Advanced Surya Yoga

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This is a self-healing practice developed by the unique Himalayan Yogi and Kriya Grandmaster, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath.

The basic premise to get the most out of this practice is that the sun or Surya is not just a physical entity but has energetic and spiritual aspects that enliven the whole solar system that our earth is a part of.

Your instructor for this workshop is Rudra Shivananda who has been a disciple of Yogiraj for over 30 years and has been a spiritual teacher for over 20 years. He has taught all over the world and authored over a dozen books available at Amazon.

The Healing benefits of Surya Yoga

Success in healing depends upon your mastery of the absorption and radiation of pranic light.

Pranic-healing with solar power is a purifying and rejuvenating practice in nature. It may be used both for self-healing and for radiating healing energy to others. When you absorb the radiant energy of the spiritual Sun, all toxins of the system are flushed out. Every cell in the body is permeated with life-giving prana. This life-force is the energy that pervades the universe at all levels. All vibrating energies are prana. All physical energies such as heat, light, gravity, magnetism, and electricity are aspects of Prana.

Deep rooted syndromes and negative patterns of behavior will surface during the practice of solar pranayama but are worked out by breathing techniques so that these negative syndromes would dissolve without creating undue emotional upheaval.

The positive effects of Surya Kavach (the protective sun­ shield) and Swashanjwala (breath-of-fire) pranayama are healthful patterns of breathing that increase your memory recall, enhance concentration and build stamina. The will to achieve one’s goal and the courage to cope with the rough and tumble of daily life are the blessings of the radiant life-giving sun (Surya). When the breath and fire breathing is done with the Ham­ Sa, it opens up new vistas of consciousness in the brain so necessary for one’s spiritual evolution.

Heals stress related illnesses

The most direct and immediate effect of pranic-healing is that it relieves stress. Stress is the greatest killer known to humanity, the leading cause of aging and premature death, causing and contributing to the proliferation of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and allergies. The pacifying effect of prana in the body cells provides instant relief from stress and likewise forestalls and eliminates the risk of such diseases.

For physical pains and injuries

The healing effects of prana are not only psychic, they are also physical, healing pains such as migraines, ulcers, back pain, arthritis, and bodily injuries. To assist in the healing of bone injures, strained or scared tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. oil may be applied to the injured area during and after practice. The application of oil holds the pranic energy in the injured area for a longer duration of time.

Balancing the three humors (doshas)

Pranic-healing balances and tunes the three Ayurvedic humors of the body: phlegm, bile, and wind (Kapha, Pitta, and Vatta). In particular, Surya Yoga is effective for raising one’s digestive fire and metabolism and reduction of phlegm in the lymphatic system, a natural effect of the swashanjwala “breath of fire” techniques.

Elimination of fatigue and sleeplessness

The effect of Surya Yoga is the immediate supply of energy it provides and is one of the simplest means of keeping the body and mind active and alert throughout the day without any side effects.

Arresting the aging process through the third-eye center

Though prana is inhaled and ingested through the lungs and skin, the greatest amounts of pranic energy are taken in through the astral third eye center (chakra). Physically the third eye is the third ventricle, a hollow space located in the center of the brain. The ingestion of prana at the third eye center also helps in improving the functions of the endocrine system such as metabolism, blood pressure, digestion, functions of the immune system, and balance of hormones.

Absorption of sunlight and prana into the third eye center affects the secretion of melatonin in the pineal gland, a hormone activated during deep sleep and directly linked to the amount of sunlight a person is exposed to. Melatonin decreases in production after youth and eventually stops with old age. Therefore, the practice of Surya Yoga, by increasing production of Melatonin, improves the body’s natural capacity to heal itself during deep sleep, even in old age.

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